Aye good people of the interwebs and beyond! Thanks for dropping by and super special thanks for reading this jibber-jabber I've cooked up here!
That deserves something doesn't it? Drop me a line and tell me you read ALL ABOUT THE MDC and I'll send you an absolutely free, no strings attached, beautiful, soft and luxurious MDC t-shirt. No shit!
Well, down to the brass tacks here if ya really wanna know... I've been professionally designing for over a decade and non-professionally designing for longer than I can remember. My favorite stuff to do is collaborate with folks on bringing an idea to life - making cool shit with cool people. Logos, t-shirts, gig posters, koozies, art prints, just about anything. And it's pretty badass when we can walk away goin,"Hell yeah! We just made some great stuff right there!"
Let's see, what else could you possibly care about? We're a super tight operation and have our sights set on building THE MDC into a juggernaut of hyper-local design and print services. We're not looking to capture everybody and their brother's business - we just want yours! - I mean, you're here right? Gotta be cool.
So we keep it tight and serve you right. I just made that up right on the spot! Just right now! Imagine what we could do with your idea?!? Drop me a line if you have something you want to come to life! Or drop me a line if ya just wanna say AYE WAYNO!!!
< Wayno cruising the Gitche Gumme in his sports cruiser boat...
Come on man! You didn't really think I had a sports cruiser boat did you?
I don't. I got a free ride from a friend of my wife and took this pic so I could look like a balla!
What's cookin'?
Get in touch with MDC & let us know what's on your mind.
We look forward to chattin' with you.